WaterFront Maritime Services

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This roadmap sets out procedures for a programme that can be implemented by all stakeholders concerned to facilitate safe ship crew vaccination during the COVID-19 pandemic. It can be used by shipping companies (their agents and representatives, including crew agencies), maritime administrations and national health authorities, in liaison with other authorities (such as local customs, immigration, border control, seaport and civil aviation) and seafarers, during the planning and roll-out stages of the vaccination programme.

This roadmap:

  1. Proposes a framework dedicated to seafarers, for the establishment of vaccination centres in hubs, i.e. places easily accessible to seafarers (ports or airports); and
  2. Describes aspects to consider in a vaccination programme for seafarers, such as:
    • Planning, setting up and operating a vaccination centre, including vaccine logistics and distribution;
    • Rostering seafarers and associated documentation; and
    • Legal/liability considerations.

Shipping companies should ensure that they follow national requirements with regards to vaccination and quarantine.

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Disclaimer: As local conditions and regulations can change by the hour, before making any firm plans please contact Marketing@waterfront-ms.com to give you the latest updates for individual countries.

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