WaterFront Maritime Services

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All Ports

The health screening of arriving passengers and crews of means of transport coming from countries affected by mutated strains of Coronavirus and the disinfection of goods and belongings under the supervision of quarantine shall be carried out by following the approved methods on basic or private trips or cargo flights by direct or indirect way without any exceptions.

For non-Egyptians coming from countries affected by mutated strains of the Coronavirus, the ID Now Covid-19 test procedure is analyzed, and in the case of a positive result, they are returned on the same mode of transportation.

The arrival of passengers arriving directly or indirectly from countries affected by mutated strains of the Coronavirus is anticipated, and if the ship left the country within 14 days, ID Now Covid-19 is performed, and in the event of a negative sample, a PCR analysis is performed as well.

In the event that 14 days have passed from the ship leaving the countries affected by mutated strains of the Coronavirus before reaching the Egyptian territories, the ship’s records are reviewed to determine any disease or symptoms that are recorded
during that period. In the event that no cases have been recorded, PCR analysis shall be sufficient.

The Countries affected by mutated strains of the Coronavirus, according to the risk assessment:

  • India
  • Bangladesh
  • Pakistan
  • Botan
  • Myanmar
  • Nibal
  • Sri Lanka
  • Brazil
  • South America
The crew arriving from above mentioned list will arrive Egypt with valid PCR certificate.
Another ID NOW Covid-19 will be performed. If it’s found positive, the crew will return back.
For the off signers disembarked from vessels coming from above mentioned list, ID NOW Covid-19 will be performed.
  • If the ID NOW Covid-19 found Positive, crew will not disembark.
  • If the ID NOW Covid-19 test found Negative, PCR will be performed as well.

Polio Vaccine certificate is required. The validity of the certificate is from one month to one year.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1628089309641{margin-top: 20px !important;}”]Disclaimer: As local conditions and regulations can change by the hour, before making any firm plans please contact Dubai.Ops@waterfront-ms.com to give you the latest updates for individual countries.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/4″][stm_sidebar sidebar=”272″][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_tta_section][/vc_tta_pageable][/vc_column][/vc_row]